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Jesus Changed My Mind
Romans 12:2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
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Lydia Todd
Jul 11, 2021
The (not-so) Minor Prophets: Jonah
Jonah is probably the most well-known minor prophet. I mean, who doesn’t love a good story about a fish? But there is so much more to...
Tyler Harris
May 30, 2021
Speaking In Tongues
In today’s religious world, there seems to be many belief sets and very little unity. One of the things that religious people seem to be...
Andrew Lopez
Mar 21, 2021
Messianic Prophecy
What is a Messianic Prophecy? The word messiah is derived from the Hebrew word מָשִׁיחַ (mashiach) which is translated “one who is...
Joseph Green
Mar 14, 2021
God With Us
“Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call his name Immanuel (which means, God with us).” -Matthew 1:23...
Ethan Wilkins
Feb 28, 2021
Scientific Foreknowledge Revisited
The presence of scientific foreknowledge in the Bible is one of the most popular points of argument for the inspiration of Scripture used...
John Gammon
Feb 21, 2021
Defining Christianity: Servants of Christ
What is Christianity? How may we define “Christianity” so that the casual reader may understand the divine meaning behind the term? We...
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