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Jesus Changed My Mind
Romans 12:2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
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Right With God
Christian Life
Did You Know
Calvin Barrett
Feb 7, 2021
Pastors vs. Preachers
When having a Biblical discussion with someone today, phrases you may often hear are ones such as “Well, my pastor said...” or “Let me...
Ty Rhymes
Jan 24, 2021
Leadership in the Church (roles)
In every major company across the world, there is a chain of command. You have the owner, the CEO, the upper managers, the middle...
Austin Fowler
Jan 18, 2021
The Greatest Mission on Earth
INTRODUCTION What is your mission statement? Is it to be a successful business person and make a lot of money? Or is it to be President...
Dillan Todd
Dec 28, 2020
The Importance of the Lord’s Supper
The importance of the Lord’s Supper Has there ever been a time when you were fully focused in your worship to God, but then you...
Kenneth Moore
Dec 6, 2020
The Reason For Life
Whether in the pits of perilous hardships or unconquerable stress, there were times I wondered why I was here.
Lydia Todd
Nov 29, 2020
a new look at the plan of salvation: walking in the light
By walking in the light, we are perfecting the very love of God in us; we are bringing ourselves closer to Him and His will.
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