A love as strong as night is long
Upon a hill he did not belong
The sacrifice of love would make
one man die for all mans’ sake
The crowd did cheer and mock and cry
while this man was hung up to die
And on this wood where this man lay
he did what no soul could repay
Forgiveness flowed from East to West
“It is finished” escapes his final breath
To give his life, a gift to all,
A gift of love, a reckoning call
A love as wide as one can see
Love shown through death on Calvary
Based on John 15:13 “Greater love hath no man than this, than a man lay down his life for his friends”
How often do you think of the unbearable pain Christ went through so that we could have the option of salvation? Who could claim to have a better friend than the one who died to unite you with God?