Hailey WatsonJan 9, 2022Freedom Found: I Have a Home“I know that Jesus is well and alive today. He makes His home in my heart. Nevermore will I be all alone since He promised me that we...
Lydia ToddJan 2, 2022Anxiety and TrustBefore reading on, this is addressing manageable anxiety, not situational or medical anxiety. Raise your hand if you sometimes try to...
Madalyn SpicerSep 26, 2021Cultivating Your Inner Child“Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like...
Caleb ToddAug 1, 2021How to Administer the VaccineFor over a year, the world has been combating the coronavirus. It has taken hundreds of lives and continues to do so. But one day in the...
Lydia ToddJul 25, 2021ConstancyFor our God is a consuming fire [Hebrews 12:29] This past year has been anything but constant. Everything I assumed would never change...
Lydia ToddJul 18, 2021casting your careEveryday, I am worried about something new. I haven't turned in all of my assignments, I should practice more for the extracurriculars...